Thursday 30 September 2021

Wednesday 29 Sept

I have completed my home learning reading and maths. I also took up the challenge to make a game.  


Wednesday 29 September 2021

My Wacky Wednesday Mask

This is my favourite mask


Jackson's Wednesday Tasks

It's a good idea to have a comfy seat on a broomstick!


Thursday 23 September 2021

Making a fort with Dad

Dad helped me and my sister make a big fort out of cardboard. I love my fort.


My favourite cupcake and I like butter on my toast. 

Practising writing my numbers and words

This work is from the workbook.

Months of the Year

Post settings Labels No matching suggestions Published on 03/09/2021 10:22 Permalink Location Options Post: EditLoading more posts…

Wacky Wednesday Hat

I love my silver hat.


Sunday 19 September 2021

Making Play Dough 1 September

Jackson's Home Learning Fun 

 Jackson and his sister made playdough yesterday. They had lots of fun. 

We would love to see some photos of things you have made with playdough.

Post settings Labels No matching suggestions Published on 01/09/2021 17:28 Permalink Location Options Post: EditPost published